Photo courtesy of Andrea Pesce Photography
"You want to know the meaning of life? This is your highest calling: You are called into the dynamic co-creation of the cosmos. This breath is your canvas and your brush. These are the raw materials for your art, for the life you are making. Nothing is off limits. Your backyard, your piano, your paintbrush, your conversation, Rwanda, New Orleans, Iraq, your marriage, your soul. You're making a living with every step you take." - Jon Foreman
This space and this time feels monumentally exhilarating to me. This is a dream that I desire to hold so close to my heart, yet I know that if I simply set it free, my Father will create something so much more beautiful than I ever could have on my own. So right here, right now, with you as my witness, I am surrendering this dream. I will let it break loose and be all that God intends for it to be, however great or small. I hope that maybe the images you find and the time you spend here will move you, too. I pray that it might even give you the hope and courage to do the thing you thought you could never do, say the thing you need to say, be who you are called to be. You have watched everyone else take their turn and now is your time. Say it, do it, be it. Let's do this together. Ready, set, go!